Whether you’re installing a carpet yourself or hiring a vendor, there are always risks involved, and small issues can make your entire project go wrong. If you’re local to Woodbridge and already using our team, great! Use this article as a guide to hold us accountable, and survey your floors both throughout the process and prior to installation.
1. When Choosing Dimensions for Your Purchase
Take into account that you’ll need extra area for the closet cutouts within the room. Any non-conventional shapes (i.e., outside of a regular square or rectangle) will require a very specific cut. We want your carpets to be as seamless as possible, so factor this into your budget and consult with a salesperson and/or carpeting contractor. Planning is everything when it comes to home improvement projects.
2. When Your Carpet is Initially Removed
Check for any uneven surfaces, bumps, or ridges. Remember, your carpet will be laid down here, and it can easily become a tripping hazard if you don’t take care of objects causing an uneven surface below the padding. If anything is uneven, be sure to remediate it before your carpet goes down. It will be much more difficult to fix down the line if you don’t take care of things immediately.
3. When Your Carpet is Being Installed
Hold the installer (i.e., yourself or the contractor) accountable for properly placing the seams. The seams of the carpet should be placed in low-traffic, low-visibility areas to ensure that your carpet looks as “seamless” as possible. Most importantly, the carpet seams should be properly and “seamlessly” aligned with the carpet pattern. If you can’t tell, we really like to have fun with the word seamless, but we’re 100% serious about your carpets.
Keep these tips in mind throughout the duration of your carpet removal and installation process. If you’re looking for a trusted carpet replacement vendor in the Woodbridge area, give us a shout! Even if you’re not, feel free to reach out to our team with any questions you may have.
We’re serious about your carpets and will only